Saturday, September 4, 2021

 The new parts turned up. Cylinder jugs included..

Also found these new/used parts local..

Set clutch plates..
Oil cap seal (cork)
Pillion footrest
Headbolts x5
LH handgrip
Ignition lock flip tab
141t 8mm drive belt


Friday, September 3, 2021

Engine damage, as it came to me, big end disintegrated

  Catastrophic crankpin failed on previous owner but kept riding till it cried enough...

Old vs new. This pin turned out to be wrong for the '81-on flywheels.

Cracked guide as a result of bent valve

Contents of frame mounted spin-on oil filter

Oil tank filter. This shows the spin-on filter became blocked and its' bypass valve opened

The two filters

Rear chain was a large O-ring style and was rubbing inner primary.

Both cylinders were standard but cracked and damaged.